Sunday, 24 October 2010


Welcome to the PGR Blog.

This is a place where poets of any ilk, description, skill or standing can find out about and engage with our inspiring community. If you are a poet seeking to perform...get in touch.  If you have work you'd like to publish - email it to us. As long as it it's not deeply offensive (mildly offensive can probably be tolerated in the name of art) or deliberately racist etc, we'll post it up here for everyone to enjoy.

For those who don't know about what we do...we are a communally run poetry event that runs once a month in Leamington Spa. To get in touch with us...send your missive to PGRPoetry(at)

Love always.

P.S. Here's a wee poem type thing  to get things started.

Excerpts from love songs…
I awoke this morning love
With a soul etched song of longing
Stirring in my heart
Dawn had barely licked the sky
And whether or not I dreamt of you
Or even dreamt at all I know not
But I woke this morning love
With a soul etched song of longing
Stirring in my heart

What am I but you oh Love
Yet sometimes I know it not
Choosing to shut off myself
From all I always am
So the decaying face
Blinking hopelessly in the mirror
Becomes my self-belief
And I let my self shrink me
But if ever I can still, pause
I know another truth so pure
For Love thou hast graced me
With kenning of thy self
Which once know is never forgotten
Blind, stubborn child though I am
And if I can give up being me
I find again my mother’s’ arms