- Apples & Snakes in conjunction with The REP in Birmingham bring you a hip-hop graphic novel post-apocalyptic one-man show “The Rememberers” from 4-19 February
- Hit the Ode, Thursday 10 February- Bohdan Piasecki's new performance poetry night in central Birmingham
- The great Bilston Love Slam on Saturday12 February hosted by Sara Jane Arbury and Marcus Moore
- WRITING OUT LOUD! Come and enjoy Warwick Words Writers’ Group reading their poetry, short prose, scripts followed by Open Mic.THE WARWICK ARMS HOTEL High Street, Warwick. Thursday 24 February 2011 at 7.30 pm. Tickets £3.00 available on the door. For further information contact Dorrie Johnson: dorrie.johnson12@btinternet.com
.....Also have you tried tuning into Radio Wildfire?
- WHAT IS RADIO WILDFIRE? Radio Wildfire is an independent online radio station which blends spoken word, poetry, performance literature, comedy, storytelling, short stories and more with a novel selection of word/music fusion and an eclectic mix of musical styles. www.radiowildfire.com currently broadcasts live 8.00-10.00pm (UK time) on the first Monday of every month.