Monday, 26 September 2011

October 2011...Very Special Guest...

 The late Dick Leith

Join us for what promises to be an inspiring, hilarious and moving evening as the PGR family celebrates the life of one of its most treasured regulars.
Throughout this evening our usual guest poet slot will be filled by a selection of the songs and poems Dick committed to CD before his passing.

If you've ever wondered why the Elephants needed ironing, you'll know this will be a night not to be missed.

Old hands and new poets alike are invited to come and share their wares and raise a smile.
Usual Time. Usual Place.
7.30pm @ The Sozzled Sausage, Leamington Spa

p.s. for those regulars who would like a writing challenge, and who would appreciate the chance to share what Dick meant to take the opportunity to create something new...perhaps beginning 'I celebrate Dick because...'


  1. Hey! Just wondering if these events are still happening? Was thinking of checking them out in January...

  2. Hi! These events are still happening. Every second Monday of the month. Next one is Monday 9 January. Contact for further details.

  3. Hi! These events are still happening. Every second Monday of the month. Next one is Monday 9 January. Contact for further details.
